The story revolves around an arrogant and narcissistic girl named Falak Sher Afgan. Shehr-e-Zaat is another romantic novel by Umera Ahmed but it takes a different approach when exploring love. Readers can enjoy aesthetically and spiritually by taking in the novel. Along with love, he has described the history of Paris. Hussain tries to nullify the idea of physical love in this work of art. They spend time together and soon they both realise that they are in love with each other. Paskal seems to feel inferior as a result of her disability, but, Sunan spends time with her and helps her get back to normal life. It is a story about Pakistani tourist Sunan who goes to France and meets Paskal, a disabled yet beautiful young lady. The book is one of the more interesting romantic novels as it is about pure and innocent love, which makes it on our best Urdu novel list. Pyar Ka Pehla Shehar by Mustansar Hussain Tarar The reader experiences how divine love can help you get through different problems. It contains the romantic, social elements along with moral reforming. The story spans around 10 years and it is a journey of two unhappy souls who end up marrying each other. One is a runaway girl named Imama Hashim and the other is a boy named Salar Sikander with an IQ over 150.
The book is about the intervening lives of two people. Apart from the romantic genre, Ahmed has been able to write about multiple topics and genres.